Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ashish Shrestha's Recommended Reading List

Ashish Shrestha’s Guide Into The Rabbit Hole (Reading List)

N.B. There are a lot of works that I have cut out for now, but will be adding soon.

Selected Poetry

Charles Baudelaire — all his works
Frank Bidart — “Herbert White,” “To The Dead”
Tomaz Salamun — “To Have a Friend”
Percy Shelley — “Ozymandias”
Emily Dickinson — “Because I could not Stop for Death”
John Donne — “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning”
Langston Hughes — “Merry Go Round,” “I, Too”
Lord Tennyson — “In Memoriam,” “The Charge of the Light Brigade”
A.E. Housman — “Terence, this is stupid stuff”
Jonathan Swift — “The Progress of Beauty,” “The Lady’s Dressing Room”
Ted Hughes — “Portraits,” “Red”
Mary Leader — ”Her Door”

Selected Essays
John Burroughs — ”In Mammoth Cave” (must read)
Gary Snyder — “Ancient Forest of the Far West”
Immanuel Kant — “What is Enlightenment?”
Edmund Burke — “A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful”
Edward Said — “Orientalism”
Virginia Woolf — “A Room of One’s Own”
Jonathan Swift — ”A Modest Proposal”
John Donne — “Meditation XVII” (MUST READ)

Interesting Wiki “Things to Know”

Kristeva — “Abjection” ( (Better yet, you could read the essay)

Notable Books of Theories/Essays

George Haggarty — Queer Gothic
Terry Eagleton — Why Marx was Right (Or any other title, he’s my favorite writer of our period)
Stephen Greenblatt — any of his works on Shakespeare (especially, the Henry series)
Jean E. Howard — Marxist Shakespeare

Selected Fiction

Ernest Hemingway — ”Snows of Kilimanjaro”
Flannery O’Connor — “A Good Man is Hard to Find”
Franz Kafka — “In The Penal Colony”
Nikolai Gogol — “The Nose”
Jhumpa Lahiri — Unaccustomed Earth (collection of stories)
Sadat Hassan Manto — Mottled Dawn (collection) (Please read this if you can. Moving.)
Jess Walter — The Financial Lives of the Poets
Oscar Wilde — “The Birthday of the Infanta”
Emma Donoghue — The Room (highly interesting narrative style; a must read for fictioneers)
Catherine O’Flynn — What Was Lost
Sheridan Le Fanu — “Carmilla”

Selected Artists

Alex Grey
Joel-Peter Witkin

H.G. Wells — The Island of Dr. Moreau
Ngugi wa Thiong’o — The River Between
Joseph Conrad — Heart of Darkness
Kate Chopin — The Awakening
Willa Cather — A Lost Lady

William Shakespeare — 1 Henry IV; Titus Andronicus
Christopher Marlowe — The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus
Arthur Miller — Death of a Salesman
Aphra Behn — The Rover
Bertolt Brecht — Mother Courage and Her Children

Longer Poems
John Milton — of course, Paradise Lost
Alexander Pope — Rape of the Lock

John Gay — The Beggar’s Opera

Ed. Davy Rothbart — Requiem for a Paper Bag. (must read)

— Ashish Shrestha (

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